Our First Sonogram

Oh my gosh! I’m pretty sure when people say they are high on life they mean they feel exactly like I do right now. I am GUSHING! Yesterday we went to the doctor for yet another level check and since my levels on Friday were over 5,800 he told me I could come in today for a sonogram. We were going to wait another week be he told us to come on in. Today dragged by so slowly! I was going to get to meet my bean! I’ve been a nervous wreck all day. Today I was going to get my first glance at the most important person in my life. Today I’d meet my soulmate for the first time. It was just as precious as I thought it would be. We were taken right back. Our sonogram last Monday showed nothing. Literally not a thing so I my stomach was in knots with no expectation of what I may see when she turned around that screen. But when she turned it around, there it was! She showed us our gestational sac and our yolk sac and at the bottom of the yolk sac was the teeniest tiniest little smidgen you ever did see. A little wiggly smudge. My precious little smudge. My breath caught and my heart stopped. My baby. My perfect baby.
She said we were still really early so she didn’t expect to see a heartbeat yet. I’m measuring 6 weeks and 1 day but she’s thinking we’re closer to 5 weeks and 5 days. We go back in 1 week to see the heartbeat. My levels Friday were 5834. Today they were over 15,000! Amazing news!!
Holding this photo I’ve never felt more special. I have been entrusted to care for and protect the most perfect gift that has ever been given. Seeing this baby just sealed it in for me. Every thing is worth it. Every tear, every worry, every hiccup along the way. It’s worth it. I have physical proof my baby is alive and well. Wow. I never knew how intense that would feel for me. I am so in love with this sweet baby already. More in love than I have ever been in my life. Our parents are quite smitten as well. This child is already spoiled!

Our due date is around January 15th, 2015! Come on, baby! We’re ready to meet you already! How are we going to make it 35 more weeks?! My sweet sweet baby sprout!

Oh baby, do you know how loved you are? Do you know how much we want you? You are everything. You are my everything. ❤

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